Friday 28 December 2012

Bad doctor

In fact i am sick for few days i decided to take a day mc to rest at home. Manatau met a stupid f doctor...below is our summary of conversation:

f doc: do u still have mc bal?
me: yaya, still got bal.
f doc:i wont give u mc.
me: y?
f doc: u alrdy took 4 dys mc in dec mth!
me: huh?bcoz early dec i m seriously cough for 2 weeks, but mc for 2days only.
f doc: too much mc taken in dec, so i wont give u mc today, eventhough i know u r seriously sick today.
me: (angry) how i knw i alwys sick in dec? i cant foresee i am sick now what...
f doc: then previously when u r not sick that bad, u shldn't take mc! previously i give u mc is out of my compationate.
me: my eye open big big cant believe a doc will say such thing.
f doc: i insist wont give u mc today. if i give u today, on mon u come again and ask for mc again then how?
me: huh?how i know i will mc or not on mon?
f doc: i insist wont give u mc. u got 2 choices: 1) take d medicine 2)cancel d transaction.
me: i very disappointed to u...i want cancel d transaction.

what d @#$%^&*()@#$%^ doc. Give mc based on days taken in d mth? means ppl cant sick continuously at 1 mth and must "plan" sick for mc??? u too materialistic liao...
End up i go to another clinic where d doc is so kind enough to offer me mc automatically, before i requesting for it.

stupid f doc, u r damn damn @#$%^&*()@#$%^, u r not profesional, u r not ethical, u judge patient not based on their condition but based on ur own selfish non sence reason...i am shameful on u, i BAN u n ur clinic forever.

I believe in karma. in future if u sick, i hope u will get double/triple bad treatment than mine, to let u feel how patient feel when received bad doc treatment when they are really ill. I also wish 1 day u will be seriously sick for very long time, to let u understand when ppl seriously ill, they are not purposely ask for mc for fun! 

But dun worry f doc, i alrdy forgive n forget u bcoz u means nothing in my life.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Dreams to achieve

Since i got my accounting degree on year 2004 and ACCA on year 2009, i wish to learn more other things beside the accounting profession. I use to think to take master after ACCA like MBA or master in psycology but ended up decided don't want to take as i dun want to suffer myself anymore :p Last last i got other interest which i wish to achieve one day. I wish to learn and attend formal class on cooking/baking, chinese medicine or food health related knowledge, tailoring/sewing, makeup, yoga etc...Wao, seem like a lot for me as a working mom with a 1+yr old daughter...Now want to go swimming or sport also no time, how and when i can achieve all my dreams leh?

Wednesday 26 December 2012

My 1year & 8mths daughter

I started to worry my 1 year & 8mths daughter...She is getting more & more naughty as her dad pamper her too much. She can cry like someone torture her and then hit her head on the floor whenever her desirer is not being fulfilled. Her dad worry her head so much & thus will try to fulfill all her desire...but that is not the right way! She can not use that to threaten her parents right? We have decided to change our parenting style after consult with paediatrician, effective last saturday. The result was good, she can sleep at 11pm and wake up at 9am without crying/yelling/demanding for nothing. But when bring her for shopping & dinner, her behaviour still like that: running all the way and grap the toys, and refuse to sit quietly on the stroller but request for hug; or refuse to sit quietly on the baby chair after she had her dinner. Hai...we need to put more effort on this and hope we can success one day!

First time to create a blog

Finally i have created a blog for myself today...Why? Because today i still go to work eventhough i still sick, i still not feel well... I have no mood & energy to work at all, so i decided to create a blog to write down my feeling now. Hope i will recover soon :)