Friday 28 December 2012

Bad doctor

In fact i am sick for few days i decided to take a day mc to rest at home. Manatau met a stupid f doctor...below is our summary of conversation:

f doc: do u still have mc bal?
me: yaya, still got bal.
f doc:i wont give u mc.
me: y?
f doc: u alrdy took 4 dys mc in dec mth!
me: huh?bcoz early dec i m seriously cough for 2 weeks, but mc for 2days only.
f doc: too much mc taken in dec, so i wont give u mc today, eventhough i know u r seriously sick today.
me: (angry) how i knw i alwys sick in dec? i cant foresee i am sick now what...
f doc: then previously when u r not sick that bad, u shldn't take mc! previously i give u mc is out of my compationate.
me: my eye open big big cant believe a doc will say such thing.
f doc: i insist wont give u mc today. if i give u today, on mon u come again and ask for mc again then how?
me: huh?how i know i will mc or not on mon?
f doc: i insist wont give u mc. u got 2 choices: 1) take d medicine 2)cancel d transaction.
me: i very disappointed to u...i want cancel d transaction.

what d @#$%^&*()@#$%^ doc. Give mc based on days taken in d mth? means ppl cant sick continuously at 1 mth and must "plan" sick for mc??? u too materialistic liao...
End up i go to another clinic where d doc is so kind enough to offer me mc automatically, before i requesting for it.

stupid f doc, u r damn damn @#$%^&*()@#$%^, u r not profesional, u r not ethical, u judge patient not based on their condition but based on ur own selfish non sence reason...i am shameful on u, i BAN u n ur clinic forever.

I believe in karma. in future if u sick, i hope u will get double/triple bad treatment than mine, to let u feel how patient feel when received bad doc treatment when they are really ill. I also wish 1 day u will be seriously sick for very long time, to let u understand when ppl seriously ill, they are not purposely ask for mc for fun! 

But dun worry f doc, i alrdy forgive n forget u bcoz u means nothing in my life.

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