Tuesday 1 January 2013

New year 2013

Today is 2/1/13, new year for everyone.
Just have a chat with my sis yesterday. This new year gonna be a tough year to everyone, we admit that. Ecomony foreseen to be down, country general election, lots of natural disaster etc.
For our family, going to be some changes once move into the new house. So, we encourage each other that we need to peace our mind and calm ourselves when facing anything. We need to be more compasionate in treating others.
For me, i am agree that this year would be a really tough year for me. Besides those economy, political & natural disaster factor, i am concern on the family, health & career factor as well.
I hope that my emotion and mind is getting stronger & calmer in facing all the challenges. I wish to create more wholesome karma and meditate more to that i can perform better when real challenge arrive.

Last but not least, i am sending metta to all being wishing all being be well & happy always.  

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