Monday 28 January 2013

Dreams to achive - Jan13

Now is already end of Jan13, and i am thinking what have i achieved so far for year 2013?

Love relationship: Celebrated hubby birthday with chocolate indulgence cake from secret recipe on 21/1. He is very happy wor...

Daughter: Discover that she is getting more and more easy to taken care of. She is more kind and happy gal di. And started to eat alot! Worry about her but luckily she can popo quite frequently, so it reduce my worriness la. However sometime she is still very naughty, like to grab my glasses..angry her la...

Body health: Already met chinese medicien doctor/ sien seh for medical advice on 21/1. Will start consume chinese medicine/herb for 3 months to strenghten my body.

Sport exercise: So far still not yet start...sob sob...However will start my areobic class by next week di, 5/2 twice a week, every Tue & least better than nothing lor...Still aiming for swiming at least once a week and hill climbing at least once a month. Gambate.

Diet/ healty food plan: So far not yet start...sob sob...

Extra skill/ knowledge: So far not yet start/ plan...sob sob...

Room/ house cleaning: Still in progress...

Daily meditation at home: So far not yet start/ plan...sob sob...

Others....Hope can acheive soon lar...

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