Tuesday 21 May 2013

May13 life update (End)

This early morning i thought to continue to write my blog as i felt fresh and in good mood after a night of good sleep. However, after thinking to complete my work first, so i didn't write my blog unitl now (3.30pm).

After more than half day of work, i feel very very tired and bored now as looking and doing the same worksheet of Q4 analysis since early morning. Luckily my work going to be completed soon, just left the summary part with graph. I thought to complete all work only continue to write my blog but i am just too tired and bored now, i need to do something else before i can proceed.

Ok, let's feresh back what i have done since Apr13 untill now:

As mentioned earlier, in Apr there is no aerobic class thus i spend most of my after work time on cooking. I thought to attend makeup class with Metamof on weekdays, coz the prise is ralatively cheap and affordable via Groupon promotion. But my key concern is on the class timing. 3 days in a week is consider too much for me. I would prefer once or twice a week. Another makeup class i found is on full day saturday. This one i also can't make it as saturday i need to take cake my young daughther. After discussing with my sister, she borrowed me her makeup book with CD for my self learning first, before attending any classes. She further suggested me to attend makeup or cooking class organised by any Buddhist temples, which i agreed very much but need to consider the location as well.

I watched the makeup video, be honest, the video is fantastic. The makeup artist (Andy Lee, can't really remember his sir name :p) really teach A to Z. I really gain lots of makeup foundation knowledge via his video and book. From there, i already learn some basic makeup skills. Now i just need to buy the makeup tools, but not sure when until i need them, haha.... But after that video i don't think i need to attend any official class anymore, as now i am not that "hot" anymore, haha...

I realise that i just can't fulfill all my dreams at one time or within year i.e to have a own fruit juice, home cooking, home meditation, aerobic, swimming, yoga, makeup class, cooking class etc. As all are very time consuming, what i have done is to do partially or by alternate. For e.g. in Apr13 when there is no aerobic class, i do home cooking and yoga the most, and part time makeup skills via video. When come to May13 with aerobic class, i prepare fresh fruits & vege juice the most; and reduce home cooking and yoga.
I will call the juice as healthy juice. I put a lots of ingredients i.e. carrot, tomato, calery, beet root, spinach, green apple, orange, apple vinegar, honey and coconut oil. Total 10 ingredients. With the healthy juice, hope it can fulfill my dream to be healthy la. In fact recently i feel great with body energy, and not easily get exhausted like last year. Hope it bring more good result in future la, as healty body is really important for all mankind :)

Also May13 is my work peak season. I am damn damn busy and tied up with all the works. So May not much self activity that i can planned for except to continue on the healty juice and aerobic only. Hope that by end of May, all my life can back to normal again.

Ok, now is 4.10pm, i need to continue my work di. Continue update my blog in other time lar...

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