Wednesday 20 November 2013

Hello from me on 21 Nov, Thu morning

Time past, now is already coming to the end of Nov13...1 month + to go, there is another new year of 2014.

In fact long time not blogging already. Main reason was due to blog problem ~ where i can't use the "compose" to write something. I have to use "HTML" to write where there it is so unfriendly at have my sentence in paragraph, normal enter is just can't work. I need to key in "programming language" of
twice in order to make the paragraph work. Stupid right?

Ok, let's my blog begin. I think the last activity update from myself is somewhere on July - Sep. Few months back.
Lots of activities incurred during the pass few months, but i will summarised it later la as now should be the time for me to start do work liao..bye.

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