Monday 28 January 2013

Dreams to achive - Jan13

Now is already end of Jan13, and i am thinking what have i achieved so far for year 2013?

Love relationship: Celebrated hubby birthday with chocolate indulgence cake from secret recipe on 21/1. He is very happy wor...

Daughter: Discover that she is getting more and more easy to taken care of. She is more kind and happy gal di. And started to eat alot! Worry about her but luckily she can popo quite frequently, so it reduce my worriness la. However sometime she is still very naughty, like to grab my glasses..angry her la...

Body health: Already met chinese medicien doctor/ sien seh for medical advice on 21/1. Will start consume chinese medicine/herb for 3 months to strenghten my body.

Sport exercise: So far still not yet start...sob sob...However will start my areobic class by next week di, 5/2 twice a week, every Tue & least better than nothing lor...Still aiming for swiming at least once a week and hill climbing at least once a month. Gambate.

Diet/ healty food plan: So far not yet start...sob sob...

Extra skill/ knowledge: So far not yet start/ plan...sob sob...

Room/ house cleaning: Still in progress...

Daily meditation at home: So far not yet start/ plan...sob sob...

Others....Hope can acheive soon lar...


I am kind of emotion right now.

I am thinking why? Below maybe are the reasons!

1) Hard wo wake up in the morning 6.30am to work.
2) This morning had the "tian cha" and felt the weird taste. Then discovered got something inside the botol. Oh no, that is the mildew jelly ->发霉... geli lar...i worry i may got drink poisoning but luckily so far nothing happen. Already made complaint to sister.
3) My working table got few ants, no idea come from where as my table is not dirty. Then that stupid ants cross my body, causing me uncomfortable itch and yet can't find any ant in my body...i am maid till the max!
4) My only staff left last month, now i am lack of hand and i got to do his work @#$%^&*() tedious work...

Hope i will be fine soon...

Friday 18 January 2013

Work late doesn't mean efficient!

Now is 8.04pm and i am still in office.
We (colleagues & myself) jus complate our task and just waiting the boss to review the works...What a tired day!
I wonder, why we need to wait? Lots of time wasted in waiting & waiting, and not really spend the time on doing the work. I hate that resiously.
To me, that is really not efficient at all in spending long time in completing a task. Work late = Not efficient!!!
In fact, i am in rush to fatch my little daughter back..pity of her waiting mummy & papa pick her home...

Thursday 3 January 2013

Something to share - Photos

Just feel excited to post my beloved 1 year & 9 months old daughter photo in my blog today :)
The below photos were taken on 1/1/13, new year of 2013!! Luckily i got take these photos ya.... :)

Tuesday 1 January 2013

New year 2013

Today is 2/1/13, new year for everyone.
Just have a chat with my sis yesterday. This new year gonna be a tough year to everyone, we admit that. Ecomony foreseen to be down, country general election, lots of natural disaster etc.
For our family, going to be some changes once move into the new house. So, we encourage each other that we need to peace our mind and calm ourselves when facing anything. We need to be more compasionate in treating others.
For me, i am agree that this year would be a really tough year for me. Besides those economy, political & natural disaster factor, i am concern on the family, health & career factor as well.
I hope that my emotion and mind is getting stronger & calmer in facing all the challenges. I wish to create more wholesome karma and meditate more to that i can perform better when real challenge arrive.

Last but not least, i am sending metta to all being wishing all being be well & happy always.