Wednesday 20 November 2013

Hello from me on 21 Nov, Thu morning

Time past, now is already coming to the end of Nov13...1 month + to go, there is another new year of 2014.

In fact long time not blogging already. Main reason was due to blog problem ~ where i can't use the "compose" to write something. I have to use "HTML" to write where there it is so unfriendly at have my sentence in paragraph, normal enter is just can't work. I need to key in "programming language" of
twice in order to make the paragraph work. Stupid right?

Ok, let's my blog begin. I think the last activity update from myself is somewhere on July - Sep. Few months back.
Lots of activities incurred during the pass few months, but i will summarised it later la as now should be the time for me to start do work liao..bye.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Something wrong on my blog

Something wrong on my blog as i can't use "Compose" to write...only allow me to use "HTML".... wierd lar... So now just testing only...

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Some update on Sep13

While considering whether to join a makeup class or baking class, here i found some interesting short cources on baking as follows, from the website of as below. I will go to serch somemore, preferably less expensive, flexible class schedule as well as better location.

Basic to Intermediate Short Course Fees: RM2,888 (inclusive of ingredients, recipe and registration) Durations: 3 months (2 days per week) Time: 10:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. Venue: Bagus @ Shah Alam/ Bagus @ Seri Kembangan/ Bagus @ Melawati Number of classes: 24 WHY choose Bagus? - Learn more than 75 items, - HALAL and QUALITY of ingredient with HALAL certified and good hygiene quality control, - Bagus membership upon registration to enjoy member's benefit of Bagus - Early bird discount - 10% OFF for registration - Student bring student rebate - RM100 Bagus purchase voucher for every student introduce - 2 students per group, more hands-on practice.

Session 1: Eclair, Profiterole, Paris Brest, Choux Pastry Swan, Pastry Cream Almond Slice Cookies, Cornflakes Cookies

Session 2: Croquembouche, Fruity Gelatine Jelly, Bavarois, Panna Cotta

Session 3: Crepes, Chantilly Cream, Chocolate Sauce, Chiffon Cake

Session 4: Swiss Roll, Butter Cream Filling, Red Velvet Cake

Session 5: Baguette, Dinner Roll, Chicken Floss Bun, Sausage Bun

Session 6: Focaccia, Homemade Pizza, Pretzel Session 7: American Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Fudge Icing, Chocolate Ganache, Chocolate Shapes Session 8: Sour Dough Danish, Croissant, Rice Pudding Session 9: Chocolate Lava Cake, Chocolate Truffle, Praline Chocolate, Almond Chocolate Session 10: Black Forest Cake, Chocolate Mousse Session 11: Chilled Lemon Cheese Cake, Hot Chocolate Souffle, Orange Souffle Session 12: Brioche Bread, Sandwich Bread, Wholemeal Bread Session 13: Chilled Marble Cheese Cake, Tiramisu, Bread Butter Pudding, Custard Sauce Session 14: Lemon Meringue Tart, Macaron, Vacherin, Pavlova Session 15: Kuih Talam, Kuih Apam, Kuih Ketayap, Kuih Keria Session 16: Custard Fruit Tart, Apple Tarte Tartin, Traditional Egg Tart, Portugese Egg Tart Session 17: Ice Cream, Pineapple Pie, Banana Fritters, Pineapple Fritters Session 18: Saint Honore Cake, Ginger Bread Cookies, Royal Icing Session 19: Sorbet, Coulis, Butter Marble Cake, Biscotti Session 20: Sherbet, Creme Caramel, Creme Brulee, Caramel Sauce Session 21: Chocolate Mousse, Mix Berries Mousse, Checker Board Cookies Session 22: Chilled Blueberry Cheese Cake, Chocolate Chips Cookies, Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Session 23: Blueberry Cupcakes, Sugar Paste (Fondant, Pastillage, Marzipan) Session 24: Carrot Walnut Cake (Buttercream Icing), Cream Cheese Filling, Mix Berries Mousse

Get Bagus certificates of attendance upon complete of courses .

Tuesday 21 May 2013

May13 life update (End)

This early morning i thought to continue to write my blog as i felt fresh and in good mood after a night of good sleep. However, after thinking to complete my work first, so i didn't write my blog unitl now (3.30pm).

After more than half day of work, i feel very very tired and bored now as looking and doing the same worksheet of Q4 analysis since early morning. Luckily my work going to be completed soon, just left the summary part with graph. I thought to complete all work only continue to write my blog but i am just too tired and bored now, i need to do something else before i can proceed.

Ok, let's feresh back what i have done since Apr13 untill now:

As mentioned earlier, in Apr there is no aerobic class thus i spend most of my after work time on cooking. I thought to attend makeup class with Metamof on weekdays, coz the prise is ralatively cheap and affordable via Groupon promotion. But my key concern is on the class timing. 3 days in a week is consider too much for me. I would prefer once or twice a week. Another makeup class i found is on full day saturday. This one i also can't make it as saturday i need to take cake my young daughther. After discussing with my sister, she borrowed me her makeup book with CD for my self learning first, before attending any classes. She further suggested me to attend makeup or cooking class organised by any Buddhist temples, which i agreed very much but need to consider the location as well.

I watched the makeup video, be honest, the video is fantastic. The makeup artist (Andy Lee, can't really remember his sir name :p) really teach A to Z. I really gain lots of makeup foundation knowledge via his video and book. From there, i already learn some basic makeup skills. Now i just need to buy the makeup tools, but not sure when until i need them, haha.... But after that video i don't think i need to attend any official class anymore, as now i am not that "hot" anymore, haha...

I realise that i just can't fulfill all my dreams at one time or within year i.e to have a own fruit juice, home cooking, home meditation, aerobic, swimming, yoga, makeup class, cooking class etc. As all are very time consuming, what i have done is to do partially or by alternate. For e.g. in Apr13 when there is no aerobic class, i do home cooking and yoga the most, and part time makeup skills via video. When come to May13 with aerobic class, i prepare fresh fruits & vege juice the most; and reduce home cooking and yoga.
I will call the juice as healthy juice. I put a lots of ingredients i.e. carrot, tomato, calery, beet root, spinach, green apple, orange, apple vinegar, honey and coconut oil. Total 10 ingredients. With the healthy juice, hope it can fulfill my dream to be healthy la. In fact recently i feel great with body energy, and not easily get exhausted like last year. Hope it bring more good result in future la, as healty body is really important for all mankind :)

Also May13 is my work peak season. I am damn damn busy and tied up with all the works. So May not much self activity that i can planned for except to continue on the healty juice and aerobic only. Hope that by end of May, all my life can back to normal again.

Ok, now is 4.10pm, i need to continue my work di. Continue update my blog in other time lar...

Tuesday 14 May 2013

May13 life update (half way)

More than a month i never update my blog now curi a little bit time to update what i have done recently:

Apr13: This month no aerobic class, so i spend most of my after work time to cook. I cook very frequently, average 3 times for weekdays and 1 time for weekend i guess. Hubby is very happy as the food i prepared is very delicious & healthy.. :)

May13: This month is a very very busy month..all my colleagues left and i got to do all the work by myself... hai...busy busy...Being called by boss to work again, can't cont my blog now.. @#$%^&*()@#...

Sunday 7 April 2013

Wao, long time i never update my blog! :)

Wao, it has been a while i haven't update my blog...Reason? Maybe i am fact i am quite busy lately....hehe.
Ok, let me do a small update of my life recently:

Jan13 - New year of 2013, nothing much to update except preparing for the CNY to come :p
Feb13 - Celebrated CNY with family. Considered have a nice and warm CNY gathering with beloved families and friends. I enjoyed the primary schoolmate reunion dinner J
Mar13 - Work and work only…this month no public holiday at all, and I never take any annual leave or sick leave. So this month is a tiring and sien month :p
Apr13 - haha, this is the month that I going to update as per below, after celebrated my birthday with beloved hubby and family. We had a nice Japanese lunch and meeshua soup with 2 boiled eggs (cooked by hubby) plus 2 pieces of secret receipt cakes as dinner. Then we had a whole cake celebration with my twin sister and family as supper J

Body health: So far so good. Once i consume Chinese medicine on Jan & Feb, i really can feel great. I feel very fresh & full of energy. But after a while (2 -3 mths maybe), my health condition right now is about normally only. Means nothing special right now but at least not feel like easy get exhausted like before. So consider ok la... Actually a follow up check up with sien seh said that my health ok di, jus lack of zz and very hot inside. Nothing serious la... So in future need to take good care by own di. 

Sport exercise: On Feb & Mar, i really rajin go aerobic lor, twice a week never miss in Feb! In fact i feel very happy to attend the aerobic class. The songs are nice, and the exercise is great. But in Mar, i miss half of the class. Reason? Main reason is started to lose motivation di. Not about self factor but other factor like poor attendance from other students, not punctual by other students & subsequently the teacher themselves. I used to wait for the students or teacher for half an hour before the class can be started. Really feel sien to wait and it make me home late, i really don't like it. But not only that reason la, other reason also have i.e. stock take on Thu (where i stand the whole half day, body pain di so no mood to go aerobic class in the evening); need to bring daughter to see doctor, sister-in-law deliver a baby boy, and i took MC. That are the 4 classes that i miss in Mar.
However, sadly to say that currently there is a break for aerobic class, don’t know till when. I fact I hope that the class can be continued in Apr and May. But what to do, I need to find other alternative di. Currently what is in my mind are jogging and swimming, once a week each. So at least I can exercise twice a week. I hope to implement that immediately, hehe…
And not forgetting the jungle trekking with dad and sis on Sunday, target at least once a month, hehe..

Extra skills/ knowledge: So far what is in my mind is a make-up class or cooking class. In fact I do some survey on internet for the make-up class. Find out that the 3 mths make-up course promotion in is not bad, but I don’t really like the schedule as I wish to attend the class on once in every weekday only. Twice in a week is a bit too much for me :p No worry, I will try to survey somemore and hope that I can find a good deal soon. Hopefully by May? Wish me luck la…   

Diet/ healthy food plan: So far not yet started, but not really have unhealthy food recently, so consider ok lar.. :p I am kind of agree with my company DCEO food dietary, where heard that he maintain his body health by both mental and physical. Mental wise is to keep positive and calm, while physical wise is via taking oat as breakfast, no lunch and dinner besides normal supplements. He practices 1 proper meal only per day. I am kind of respecting his food dietary practice, as not much people can do that. I agree that human mind and body will be healthier if not eat too much or always being full. So I not only need to eat healthy, but to eat lesser. May take fruits and chocolate as lunch, can’t skip lunch at all as I will feel dizzy. Body not fit enough yet to practice no lunch :p  

Daily meditation practice at home: Hope can practice more properly la…Still consider very lazy…

Others: This year will have many local and overseas travel…then rest and save money for next year di.. J

Monday 28 January 2013

Dreams to achive - Jan13

Now is already end of Jan13, and i am thinking what have i achieved so far for year 2013?

Love relationship: Celebrated hubby birthday with chocolate indulgence cake from secret recipe on 21/1. He is very happy wor...

Daughter: Discover that she is getting more and more easy to taken care of. She is more kind and happy gal di. And started to eat alot! Worry about her but luckily she can popo quite frequently, so it reduce my worriness la. However sometime she is still very naughty, like to grab my glasses..angry her la...

Body health: Already met chinese medicien doctor/ sien seh for medical advice on 21/1. Will start consume chinese medicine/herb for 3 months to strenghten my body.

Sport exercise: So far still not yet start...sob sob...However will start my areobic class by next week di, 5/2 twice a week, every Tue & least better than nothing lor...Still aiming for swiming at least once a week and hill climbing at least once a month. Gambate.

Diet/ healty food plan: So far not yet start...sob sob...

Extra skill/ knowledge: So far not yet start/ plan...sob sob...

Room/ house cleaning: Still in progress...

Daily meditation at home: So far not yet start/ plan...sob sob...

Others....Hope can acheive soon lar...


I am kind of emotion right now.

I am thinking why? Below maybe are the reasons!

1) Hard wo wake up in the morning 6.30am to work.
2) This morning had the "tian cha" and felt the weird taste. Then discovered got something inside the botol. Oh no, that is the mildew jelly ->发霉... geli lar...i worry i may got drink poisoning but luckily so far nothing happen. Already made complaint to sister.
3) My working table got few ants, no idea come from where as my table is not dirty. Then that stupid ants cross my body, causing me uncomfortable itch and yet can't find any ant in my body...i am maid till the max!
4) My only staff left last month, now i am lack of hand and i got to do his work @#$%^&*() tedious work...

Hope i will be fine soon...

Friday 18 January 2013

Work late doesn't mean efficient!

Now is 8.04pm and i am still in office.
We (colleagues & myself) jus complate our task and just waiting the boss to review the works...What a tired day!
I wonder, why we need to wait? Lots of time wasted in waiting & waiting, and not really spend the time on doing the work. I hate that resiously.
To me, that is really not efficient at all in spending long time in completing a task. Work late = Not efficient!!!
In fact, i am in rush to fatch my little daughter back..pity of her waiting mummy & papa pick her home...

Thursday 3 January 2013

Something to share - Photos

Just feel excited to post my beloved 1 year & 9 months old daughter photo in my blog today :)
The below photos were taken on 1/1/13, new year of 2013!! Luckily i got take these photos ya.... :)

Tuesday 1 January 2013

New year 2013

Today is 2/1/13, new year for everyone.
Just have a chat with my sis yesterday. This new year gonna be a tough year to everyone, we admit that. Ecomony foreseen to be down, country general election, lots of natural disaster etc.
For our family, going to be some changes once move into the new house. So, we encourage each other that we need to peace our mind and calm ourselves when facing anything. We need to be more compasionate in treating others.
For me, i am agree that this year would be a really tough year for me. Besides those economy, political & natural disaster factor, i am concern on the family, health & career factor as well.
I hope that my emotion and mind is getting stronger & calmer in facing all the challenges. I wish to create more wholesome karma and meditate more to that i can perform better when real challenge arrive.

Last but not least, i am sending metta to all being wishing all being be well & happy always.